Franny and I have been busy the past two days and I'm just pooped. I've only had about 4-5 hours sleep lately, and I'm definitely not used to it. I guess this is practice for when we have a baby. I don't know. WE just had really bad stuff happen today. First of all, you already know about my headache. There's that, and it was HOT as heck in Pleasant Hill. Secondly, my mind has been racing with thoughts, plans, and various projects. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I've always been an extremely detailed-oriented, goal-driven person. So I have very good follow through when I set my mind on something. But this can often get out of hand, especially in the extreme cases where that particular project is the only thing on my mind. I get obsessed with completing them, so obsessed that even sleeping and eating comes secondary. This is something I really have to work on, because as you can tell, I am really sleep-deprived (yeah, that's why I'm on this blog and not sleeping...what the ?).
Well, back to my bad day. The camry has been acting up. It wouldn't start this morning when we were in Pleasant Hill. Then this evening on our way home it was smoking. Apparently the fan in the radiator was not working. We finally got it to start after filling it up with carburetor fluid and a long wait (we had some good sushi in Danville). But on the ride home on the 238 freeway, it started really smoking. Cars were honking at us to get off the road. We stopped, but stopped on the left side of the freeway, near the divider, because we were in the left lane. Bad decision, I'll tell you why later. Not only was the car smoking, but it wouldn't start after letting it rest for a long while. We finally called AAA and they towed us and Cam back home. Luckily there was traffic on the freeway so cars weren't racing by while we were waiting for Mr. Tow Man. It was scary though. You always hear about policemen getting hit by cars on the freeway. Franny was so worried that he begged me to get out from the driver's side even though my a** couldn't fit through it. I decided to just carefully exit through the passenger side, but I think Franny was upset about that. Man, and all that time I was just aching to go home and sleep my headache off.
Now that I wrote this all out, it doesn't seem like I had a completely bad day. Maybe because I'm home now and in about 5 minutes I will be sleeping comfortably in my nice little platform bed. I think I just needed to vent and that's exactly why I have this blog. Despite the minor irritations in the past two days, Franny and I did get to spend some quality time together. Here are some photos that we took:
Oh, and did I mention that I fixed the dilemma with my hair? Yes, no more blond! I never wanted blond, remember? It was a mistake, but decided to live it up while I had it. I love my hair now though. It just feels like me more than the blond ever could. It's closer to my natural hair color, too. Franny doesn't like his hair in these photos. I think he wants to grow it out more.
Here are also a few photos from the other day when we went to Chuck E Cheese with Brady:
You know, I'm starting to really like my weight right now. I've gone through some fluctuations in the past few weeks, but I think I'm at my ideal weight finally. Some people think I'm to thin, and others think I am at the perfect weight, but I realized that I just don't want to be bigger. And I don't really care what people think. There's always going to be someone out there with an opinion. It doesn't mean I have to agree, especially when it comes to my own body. I know I have been wanting to gain weight in the past few months, but after I actually did, I didn't think it suited me at all. Besides, it's not like being thin is bad. Most women want to be thin and slender, but can't. I can eat like a hog and my metabolism will stay really high. I don't even have to exercise to keep weight off. I can't help that either.
Lemme tell day in the future, my metabolism is going to go off and I'll get pudgy, so pudgy and fat that people will scream "what happened to you" when they first see me. I'll feel bad, but I probably won't fight the weight. I'll welcome it as a sign of a new coming of age. So, why fight it now when it's not doing anything wrong?
I'm sleepy.
Can't forget, it's my little nephew's first birthday today. Happy Birthday Colin!