Ron came over and brought a DVD with him. I can't even remember the name. Franny and Ron played the game cube or playstation, or something like that while I made Fried Chicken, sauteed veggies with brown rice for dinner.
Chiropractic appointment in the am.
Made some really good fried rice with fire-roasted pepper sausages.
Headed to Daly City to get fitted for my bridesmaid's dress for Jenn's wedding.
Stuck in killer traffic for about an hour.
Had an acupuncture appointment in the pm.
Went to whole foods to pick up more veggies and fruits.
Then watched the Notebook with Ron in Emeryville. He LOVED it.
Stayed in all day with my hubby.
Washed a few loads of laundry.
Worked out with my cardio DVDs.
Caught up on some of my soaps.
Ordered in from Pei-King Garden.
Got some great news from one of my girls.
Surprised how well I took it. Woo-hoo!
Finally talked to my best friend AC but only for a few minutes.
Got up early this morning and exercised for about an hour.
Had leftovers for breakfast/lunch.
Did more laundry.
Cleaned up the guest room: giving more stuff to St. Vincent De Paul, organized some clothes. Still need to get rid of papers and old magazines.
Went to Whole Foods to get meat, some snacks for Franny, and flour (for the pastries that I will be making). Yummy.
Made roast chicken with veggies.
Practiced using my dilator for about 2 mins. It's working though.
Found some old emails while cleaning up that Franny and I had written way back while we were in college. Can't believe he saved and printed them out. LOL.
Here's one email in particular that was written after a meaningless fight:
Date: Tue, Feb. 28, 1995 23:59:39 - 800
From: "Joanne Marie Lim"
Subject: you criminal you
Francis. Francis. Francis. Don't you know that chain letters are a violation of UC Berkeley policy, mister? Shame on you...
I still hate you...
but, I'll forgive you. AGAIN.
Our 5th year wedding anniversary is coming up in 3 months, but technically we have been together for 11 years...minus the 1.5 years we took off so Franny could join the Peace Corps, a.k.a "when we were broken up". Wow, still a long freaking time. It just feels like yestersday when we had this email fight. =) Seriously, I'm glad I married that weirdo. But enough with the jokes already. My abdomen is not built to laugh that much.
As far as tomorrow, I think I'll make pancakes and turkey bacon for breakfast. I definitely want to cook Lasagna for dinner though. I don't know if we'll go to church in the am or pm. We don't have much planned for the day, except that we're entering Gilbey into the cutest dog contest at the festival in Foster City. I hope he wins. Anyone that has met him has to agree, he is a pretty darn handsome dog.