i didn't end up going to the GM because Franny ending up going with me to the A appointment and he was sleepy. i'm never going back to that place again. she was hard-core traditional A and it was a horrific experience.
it's dad's bday on tuesday so we celebrated it pho 99. yum-yum. vietnamese food is always good and it seems healthy, but there are not that many nutritious veggies available. at least at pho 99 i guess. i had the bbq chicken and franny and everyone else had pho. oh except mike and verna's dad...they had rice plates too. reese kept singing and walking around like it was no one's business. very cute. she's such a good little girl, but i think she's starting her terrible two's stage. even so, if I ever have a daughter, I wouldn't mind having one just like her. she's absolutely, positively ADORABLE!
gotta go downstairs and get my you know what. dang, it's about that time again. i'm so sick of needles though. franny is probably having a good time poking them in me. evil, i tell ya. j/k. well, it's so hot lately. what is up with that.