New website domain: www.joannemarie.com.
Check it out! I also have a new flash intro because I lost the old one during the conversion from geocities.com to my new web hosting provider. I didn't save the .swi file that is needed to change the links, etc. on the flash...so had to start from scratch. Don't matter, I like this new flash better anyway =)
I see that some of you are stuck to this blog (even though you guys never comment! grr!!!), but how about trying something different? My main website has a forum, chatroom, and a nice lil' guestbook so it's much nicer. Not to say that I don't love my blog anymore cause I do. I just think venturing out into new web territory is good for the soul (what the ?). Okay, won't go that far.
Heads up. I will be transferring blogger onto my main page and unfortunately the comments area will be going bye-bye. That's what the forum's there for now. So head on over there. Plus, better security. I have the option of hiding forums, denying registration, and most of all, making sure that everyone has a pleasant visit. And you won't have to remember the password to this blog anymore, because on the forum you just create one for yourself. All you have to do is register with a login/password and you're all set. Okay, I think that's a good advertisement there. Enough already! Go! Go! Go! =)
I've really enjoyed blogger for the short time that I've been writing in here, but it just takes to much time. And frankly, don't got much of that at all. Happy Tuesday all!